Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Noble Exit for an American Champion

Hours ago, Mitt Romney called it quits after addressing the CPAC in Washington, D.C. Romney, looking and sounding presidential like always, was met with enormous cheers and applause, followed by disappointment after his announcement to suspend his campaign for presidency. Perhaps more important was what Romney didn’t say; unlike previous contenders Giuliani and Sam Brownback, Romney did not endorse Senator McCain. He limited his remarks to telling his conservative audience that while he was at odds with the 71-year old senator on many issues, he agreed with him on the need for a strong military and the importance of completing the job in Iraq.

Mitt Romney is a man of great integrity and of strong convictions. He has run a magnificent campaign to spread hope and pride across the country, and has once again encouraged the people of America to believe that we can overcome even our greatest challenges, and that our brightest days are ahead of us. My party was lucky to have a candidate like Gov. Romney. I felt honored to pull the lever for Mitt Romney in the first election I was eligible to participate in - and I’m hopeful that it won’t be the last vote I cast for him.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lies, Negativity Trump Honesty and Hope

John McCain won the 2008 Republican Florida Primary by running a last-minute blitz full of wrong and ruthless lies and attacks on Gov. Mitt Romney. McCain practiced politics as usual as he cut backdoor deals to secure endorsements, and simply reinforced the fact that he will do and say anything to finally reach the White House after planning it for decades. Today was a day when the past triumphed over the future; when negativity won over optimism and hope; and when a great man’s (Mitt Romney) mission to turn-around Washington has been dealt a fatal blow. With John McCain as the nominee, Republicans are guaranteed a loss in November; McCain and Hillary have more in common than what meets the eye.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

“Straight Talk Express” Derailed; McCain Lies to Voters

Desperate John McCain who understands he himself cannot address the concerns of the economy is trying to make voters forget about his inexperience and instead mislead voters about Gov. Romney’s positions on the issues.

Today, McCain told the press that Gov. Romney supported an Iraq withdrawal date; a fabrication that his campaign cannot backup. McCain aides, desperately trying to prove this new allegation, pointed the press to this quote made by Gov. Romney in an ABC News interview in 2007:

"There's no question that the president and (Iraqi) Prime Minister al-Maliki have to have a series of timetables and milestones that they speak about.”

McCain has come under heavy fire for his latest fabrication by a variety of newspapers. Others insist this is an act of desperation since a new poll released today shows Romney up by 6 points in Florida.

The Governor responded by saying, "That's simply wrong and it's dishonest, and he should apologize…I know he's trying desperately to change the topic from the economy and trying to get back to Iraq, but to say something that's not accurate is simply wrong — and he knows better."

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Democrats' Favorite Republican

New video unleashed by Romney for President:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Florida Sun Shines on Romney

In the final debate before the all-important Republican primary in Florida (1/29), the five remaining candidates performed in a chivalrous manner; a sharp contrast to what America witnessed a few days ago with the Democratic debate featuring personal attacks, nasty body language, and barbed challenges.

John McCain and Mitt Romney had the most at stake in this debate due to their jockeying for 1st and 2nd place in the latest Florida polls. McCain performed well, and tried the best he could to reassure conservatives that he was in fact a conservative; but it was Mitt Romney that truly shined tonight. Romney faced difficult questions from Tim Russert about his vast fortune, high volume of television ads, record as Governor, etc. But Russert’s strategy backfired; instead of wavering, Romney provided clear, complete and precise answers to each question and looked purely Presidential.

Overall, Romney established himself as the best candidate to handle the economy, as a man who would be tough in the War on Terror, and as a Republican nominee who would have no trouble taking on the Clinton machine in November.

Based on the latest polls and a rock-star performance this evening, it is safe to say the sun is shining on Mitt right now in Florida.

MeyerWire Fla. Poll Averages

The following is an average of the 6 latest polls conducted from 1/20/08 - 1/23/08 for the Florida Republican Primary.

Romney: 24.0
McCain: 22.8
Giuliani: 18.5
Huckabee: 14.8

Poll Sources:
Rasmussen Reports
Strategic Vision